We use creativity, design, and
technology to help organizations
reduce emergency room wait times.
overcome challenges.

Butterfly and a flower

Our Services

Some of the ways we can help

Experience Design

We design beautiful and functional experiences. We're passionate about combining the data driven world of user experience (UX) design, with the art of user interface (UI) design, and technology to create spectacular experiences online and offline.

Information Architecture (IA)

We take large, complicated, and complex information – including retail storefronts and subscriptions, healthcare systems, and municipal services – and translate them into structures that help people find what they’re looking for without getting confused or frustrated.

Websites and
Web Applications

Our very experienced development team build open-source web applications using frameworks like Symphony, CodeIgniter, and Laravel. We build responsive marketing websites, accessible service portals for some of the world’s most complex organizations, and secure e-commerce platforms that process millions of transactions.


Drupal is a powerful platform for creating websites. It is cost effective, extendable, and interoperable. Its high security assessment has resulted in it being approved for use at all levels of government. Blaze has a full Drupal development, support, and security practice.


We specialize in the iteration and evolution of brands. Our multidisciplinary approach to branding brings together psychologists, copywriters, and visual artists. We work together to build branding frameworks that are both beautiful and effective.

Marketing Innovation

We work with some of the world's top brands to find solutions to their most difficult marketing problems. We support our clients and help them grow their internal capacity for planning, deployment, measurement, and optimization of complex campaigns.

Our Clients

A few of the organizations we’ve
worked with over the last 15 years

Canada Canada
Boston Children's Hospital Boston Children's Hospital
U.S. Department of Defense U.S. Department of Defense
Cineplex Cineplex
#Explore NB Canada #Explore NB Canada
Rogers Rogers
Nova Scotia Health Nova Scotia Health
Wolfville Wolfville